Friday, August 1st, 2008

Download all you need, I'll be adding a searching function soon enough (there's one in the top left corner in the navigation bar, but I hate where it is) so you can just use that instead of scrolling through the blog archive to find what you need.

Friday, August 1, 2008

EYEHATEGOD - Dopesick [1996]

Dopesick [1996]

1. My Name Is God (I Hate You)
2. Dogs Holy Life
3. Masters Of Legalized Confusion
4. Dixie Whiskey
5. Ruptured Heart Theory
6. Non Conductive Negative Reasoning
7. Lack Of All Most Everything
8. Zero Nowhere
9. Methamphetamine
10. Peace Thru War (Thru Peace And War)
11. Broken Down But Not Locked Up
12. Anxiety Hangover

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